Public Info

  1. Public Info

SUNWAI Customer Complaint Service By SBP

SUNWAI Customer Complaint Service By SBP

A Platform to lodge complaints related to Roshan Digital Accounts and General Banking.Kindly visit the SBP customer complaint service portal using the link below. 

Focal Persons for PEP

Focal Persons for PEP

In order to provide the best of services to our valued customers, focal persons are available to assist you in all manners and you can contact us if you have any queries, complaints and feedback. Focal person’s information are following.

1.Chief Compliance Office          
PAIR Investment Company Limited, 17th Floor  Ocean Tower G3,  Block-09 Main Clifton Road Karachi Pakistan.
PABX: +92-3215829600
FAX: +9221-35303526
2.Head  CIBG
PAIR Investment Company Limited, 17th Floor  Ocean Tower G3,  Block-09 Main Clifton Road Karachi Pakistan.
PABX: +921-3215829600
FAX: +921-35303526
3.State Bank Of Pakistan
Special Unit, Consumer Protection Department State Bank of Pakistan.
PABX: +921-99221935
FAX: +921-99218160

eCIB Queries & Complains

eCIB Queries & Complains

Any eCIB related complain with PAIR Investment Company Limited. You may contact the following focal persons.
1.        Sumair Khan
           Manager CAD
           PABX: 92 21 3582 9621-24 (Ext  675)  | Fax: 92 21 3530 3526
           17th Floor  Ocean Tower G3,  Block-09 Main Clifton Road Karachi Pakistan. Karachi (75600) – Pakistan
2.        Baqar Rizvi
           PABX: 92 21 3582 9621-24 (Ext  652)  | Fax: 92 21 3530 3526
           17th Floor  Ocean Tower G3,  Block-09 Main Clifton Road Karachi Pakistan. Karachi (75600) – Pakistan
3.         Muhammad Haris Khatri
            Unit Head CAD
            PABX: 92 21 3582 9621-24 (Ext  657)  | Fax: 92 21 3530 3526
            17th Floor  Ocean Tower G3,  Block-09 Main Clifton Road Karachi Pakistan. Karachi (75600) – Pakistan

Cyber Fraud Awareness links

Pakistan Banao Certificates ( PBCs)

Pakistan Banao Certificates ( PBCs)

Pakistan Banao Certificates ( PBC`s) launched by the Government of Pakistan on January 31, 2019.

Click on the below link for further details

SECP Queries & Complaints

 SECP Queries & Complaints

Click on the SECP Logo For Futher Details 

PAIR Registration and NTN Number Information

PAIR Registration and NTN Number Information

Company Name Registration Number National Tax Number
PAIR Investment Company Limited 0059145 2944738-7

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Bank’s Consumer

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Bank’s Consumer

Adequate financial literacy is one of the integral components of Fair Treatment of Consumer (FTC) regime as it promotes responsible conduct and helps consumers take informed financial decisions. Consumer empowerment and protection through financial literacy also enhance public confidence and trust in financial markets. Realizing its importance, SBP has developed a booklet on ‘Know Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Bank’s Consumer' and a brochure on ‘Protecting Your Payment Cards’.

     1.  Know Your Rights and Responsibilities-KYRR(Eng).pdf
     2.  Protecting Your Payment Cards-PYPC-Eng.pdf

Glossary of Important Terms Used for Consumer Financing Products by the Banks

Glossary of Important Terms Used for Consumer Financing Products by the Banks


Glossary of Important Terms Used for Consumer Financing Products by the Banks ( Click Here )


S. No Term Glossary
1 Accrued Interest Interest that accumulates on the unpaid principal balance of a loan.
2 Acquirer Acquirers are banks and financial institutions that collaborate with businesses to accept credit/debit card payments.
3 Advance Booking Booking of vehicle with the manufacturer through advance payment.
4 Agreement stamping charges Charges paid by the customer for stamping of financing agreement.
5 Amortization Loan payments by equal periodic amounts calculated to pay off the debt at the end of a fixed period, including accrued interest on the outstanding balance.
6 Amortization Schedule Information of Equal Monthly Installments (EMI) with breakup of  principal & markup along with loan outstanding.
7 Annual Fee / Renewal Fee An annual fee typically charged to customers with credit cards/revolving line facilities for maintenance of their facilities.
8 Applicable rate Rate applied on the facility.
9 Application/Loan application form A form to be filled in and signed as per the Bank’s requirements to avail Banking facilities. Requirement of details to be filled in will vary for each facility. Applications may also require certain specified documents also to be attached.
10 Appraisal Agency Agency used for assessing market value of an Asset .
11 ATM An automated teller machine or any card-operated machine or device whether belonging to the Bank or other participating banks or financial institutions or concerns or to the Visa Card or MasterCard global ATM Network, or the affiliated networks thereof, as the case may be, which accepts the Card.
12 Auto Loan The loans or financing facilities to purchase the vehicle for personal use.
13 Balance Transfer (BTF) Balance transfer of existing finance facility of borrower from other banks/DFIs.
14 Balance Transfer Account An account in the name of the customer will be opened for the purposes of the facility.
15 Balloon Payment Payment by customer in addition/additional/excess to the installment amount to reduce the principal outstanding. Excess payment by the customer to reduce principal outstanding.
16 Banker's lien Bank's charge on the asset
17 Base rate Benchmark rate for driving the pricing of loan.
18 Billing cycle Date of a month when bill/statement is generated.
19 BOQ Bill of quantity - Break up of amount in construction cases.
20 Business person Individual having his own business.
21 Card The applicable Visa Card, MasterCard and / or any other card including but not limited to co-branded cards, e-card, debit card the second card as issued by the Bank, from time to time, to the Card member and shall include Supplementary and subsequently issued, renewal or replacement Cards.
22 Card Account Visa/Master Card account or any account pertaining to the Card(s) issued by the Bank from time to time, as the case may be, opened by the Bank for the purpose of entering debits / charges incurred by or for the account of, and credits received by or for the Card member and Supplementary Card member.
23 Card Issuer A bank, financial institution, credit union, or agency that issues a card to public or its members is called a card issuer.
24 Card member A person to whom the Card is issued by the Bank and shall also include every Supplementary Card member.
25 Card Replacement Fee Fees to be charged by the bank for replacement of lost/stolen or damage card
26 Card Transaction Any payment made or Cash Advance obtained or any amount to be debited from the Card Account or any amount charged by the Bank or any Merchant for any goods, services and other benefits by or through the use of the Card.
27 Cash Advance Amount of money in any currency availed or lent to the Card member by the Bank or any participating bank or  ATM whether in cash or in any other form of payment.
28 Charge back A credit card transaction, which is returned or not honored, is called a charge back. Usually done by the credit card holder in response to faulty products, credit card fraud, a dispute or noncompliance with the rules and regulations, charge back restores the funds back with the credit card.
29 Charge back period it is a time period from a particular credit card transaction within which, the credit card holder must initiate a charge back, if the transaction is disputed.
30 Charges The amount payable by the customer to the Bank under the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to any transactions, Annual Membership , Services Fee, late fee and other fees / charges.
31 Clean Limit Credit Limit which has been granted by the bank without any collateral/liquid/non-liquid securities.
32 Clear title When the property in question is free from any doubt is not disputed and is not having any encumbrances and it is said to have a clear title.
33 Closing Balance The amount payable (or available) as of last working day of the certain period/month.
34 Co borrower Secondary person applying for the loan with the primary person.
35 Collateral An asset pledged to a lender to guarantee repayment. Collateral could include savings, bonds, insurance policies, jewelry, property or other items that are pledged to pay off a loan if payments are not made according to the contract.
36 Collector Bank employee responsible for collection/recovery.
37 Co-signer A co-signer is a person who signs a loan or credit card with the primary applicant, pledging to be responsible for repaying the loan or debt in the event the applicant is unable.
38 Credit History A financial profile of any person based on how he repays his bills, clears his debt and the amount a person owes to various banks and other financial intuitions.
39 Credit Limit It is the maximum amount of money one can draw on his account based on prior sanction or approval from the bank. In other words, borrowing or drawing limit fixed by a bank for a customer depending on his credit history, repaying capacity and relationship with bank.
S. No Term Glossary
40 Credit rating / Score A credit rating is an evaluation of the credit risk of a prospective debtor (an individual), predicting their ability to pay back the debt, and an implicit forecast of the likelihood of the debtor defaulting
41 Cross sell Selling of product to already existing customer.
42 Current Customer making all the repayments on time.
43 Current Balance / Outstanding Balance / Total Outstanding The total amount that customer owes to the bank for availing facility at a particular point in time which may include all the charges (mark-up, late payment charges, joining charges) fees (annual, renewal) & other liabilities.
44 Customer A person who is availing any facility or products of a bank
45 Dealership Vehicle is being provided through dealership.
46 Debt Ratio/Debt Burden A ration of amount of money customer owe to banks or credit issuers against total monthly income of a customer. It reflects the percentage of income that goes to paying customer debts every month.
47 Default/ Delinquency When a customer fails to make any payment(s) due towards the bank as per the terms and conditions agreed or otherwise is termed as default. Furthermore, a breach of contract/terms and conditions may also be categorized as an event of default.
Account is classified as delinquent when loan payments are not paid according to the contractually agreed upon terms or when due.
48 Delivery Acceptance Form In the context of auto loans, this is a mandatory document which the customer signs acknowledging acceptance and possession of vehicle from the dealer.
49 Desired financing amount Amount required by the customer.
50 Desired financing Tenure Tenure required by the customer.
51 Direct Debit / Auto Debt Facility A facility offers by the bank to customer against which monthly full payment or minimum payment will be debited from his/her account on the due date.
52 Disbursement Loan payout in the name of the customer.
53 Discrepancy Incomplete or missing documents, or alternatively incomplete, illegible or contradictory information in the customer's loan application or documentation provided by customer.
54 Dishonored/Returned Cheque A cheque which is returned by the payer's Bank due any number of possible reasons including but not limited "insufficient funds, amounts' mismatch, illegible signature, overwriting, date-barring etc."
55 Disputed transaction A cardholder posted transaction which is not accepted by him/her and requires clarification.
56 DPD Number of days past the due date after the customer's payment became due as per the contractually agreed upon terms and conditions.
57 Due Date /Payment Due Date /Installment due date Date specified in the statement of account for monthly repayments/ schedule for the payment of the Minimum Payment Amount, the Current Balance or Installment to be made to the Bank for the facility availed by the customer.
58 E-Alerts Electronic Alerts to be sent to customer via email / SMS.
59 Early Settlement Payment of entire loan amount before the normal maturity of loan as per repayment schedule.
60 E-Banking / Internet Banking Banking transactions which can be conducted on internet after accessing Bank's application with unique password.
61 e-CIB /Credit Bureau Electronic Credit Information Bureau-eCIB has been established by the State Bank of Pakistan which requires all banks and financial institutions to report all loans and advances, to the State Bank.
62 EMI Equal Monthly Installments.
63 Equity/down payment Customer's stake in the vehicle, customer pays a vehicle value's part before financing.
64 Expiry Date The date of expiry specified by the Bank on the Card.
65 External agencies Agencies providing services to customers which are on Bank's panel.
66 Facility rate / Pricing / interest rate / Interest Mark up rate charged on the financed amount.
67 FCY Foreign Currency Account.
68 FED Federal Excise Duty
69 Financing agreement Document used for agreement between the customer and the bank.
70 Fixed Rate Facilities where the mark up rate defined at the time of loan disbursement is fixed for the tenure of the loan or until facility is closed.
71 Fixed term This applies to products and services, which have a set lifetime. The customer may be charged if the bank agrees to alter the product or service before the end of its life.
72 Floating Rate Mark up rate renewable after certain defined period of time. The markup rate is linked with KIBOR plus a fixed percentage of profit margin.
73 FX Conversion Charges Foreign Currency Transactions charges to be borne by customer to convert into Pakistani Rupees
74 GCAS Global Customer Assistance Service
75 Guarantee A promise given by a person called 'the guarantor' to pay another person's debts if that person does not pay them.
76 Hypothecation Process of placing a charge / lien on vehicle financed by the Bank
77 Income estimation agency Agency used for assessing customer's income.
78 Installment loan A loan in which the amount of payment and the number of payments are predetermined
79 Insurance premium The amount payable to an insurance coverage provider in return for their coverage of an asset at a pre-determined insurance premium rate.
80 Insurance Products The products designed to cover the customers liability / assets to any unforeseen circumstances which may face by the customer in future.
81 Interest Free Period The interest free period applies on retail transactions only. The days begin at the start of your statement period and ends when your payment for that purchase/ transaction is made.
82 IVR Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the use of voice and DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency ) tones input via keypad.
S. No Term Glossary
83 KIBOR Karachi Interbank Offered Rate as directed by SBP on monthly basis.
84 Late payment charges Penalty levied on late installment /  payments.
85 Lawyer appraisal agency Agency used to verify and appraise the property document.
86 Lease facility A lease is a contractual arrangement calling for the lessee (user) to pay the lessor (owner) for use of an asset.
87 Lease facility pricing Mark up rate charged on the loan amount.
88 Liabilities Any or all amounts payable whatsoever by the Card member to the Bank.
89 Linked Account/Repayment Account Account opened for making monthly payments/installments.
90 Litigation charges Charges which will be incurred at the time of filling a suit by the bank against a defaulted customer.
91 LOU Letter of understanding between the bank and the customer mentioning some of the important terms & conditions of the loan.
92 LTV Loan to value - Ratio of amount of loan sanctioned against value of the property.
93 Manufacturer Vehicle manufacturer.
94 Margin Bank's Profit percentage
95 Maturity Loans payment completion.
96 Merchant Any person / entity supplying goods and / or services and / or other benefits who accepts the Card  as a means of payment.
97 Minimum Payment Amount A certain percentage of current outstanding balance which a customer has to pay to avoid the delinquency /default.
98 Month Calendar month.
99 Mortgages Mortgage is the transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan or finance.
100 Multiple Limit Total credit limit approved for a Card member on all of his / her Credit Cards collectively.
101 NCCA/ Non Checking Account A type of account where a customer can only make deposits but cannot withdraw funds from the account. As such, no instruments (debit card, cheque book, internet banking etc.) are provided to the customer when opening this type of account
102 NOC No Objection Certificate issued in favor of the customer after loan clearance.
103 Off Us ATM Transaction conducted on other bank ATM
104 On Us ATM Transaction conducted on issuer's bank ATM
105 Outstanding loans Loans payable.
106 Overdue Payments/ Late payments Amount of loan and credit card payment(s) which has not been made as of its due date  (or maturity) date. All financial arrangements become overdue one business day after their due date. A borrower who is past due may be subject to late fees and other charges.
107 Partial prepayment Customer making a deposit, apart from his regular payment/instalment, against his loan to reduce his/her liabilities/monthly instalment.
108 Payment Facility To pay any amount(s) to any person / party for any purpose settlement of any bills or for any other purpose approved by the Bank from time to time.
109 Personal Loans Personal Loans mean the loans to individuals for the payment of goods, services and expenses and include Running Finance/Revolving Credit to individuals.
110 PIN/ ATM PIN The Personal Identification Number issued to a Card member to enable the Card member or a Supplementary Card member or selected by a Card member or a Supplementary Card member and generated through IVR (Interactive Voice Recording) to use the Card at an ATM for a Cash Advance
111 Pre Payment/ Early Settlement A one off payment along with FED charges which customer may be asked to make if customer decide to repay loan early before maturity.
112 Prepayment charges Financial charges applied on pre payment of loan.
113 Principal The amount of debt, exclusive of interest, remaining on a loan.
114 Processing Fee One time Fee charged on approved amount only for processing.
115 Progressive Letter The detailed information/events/picture provided by the cardholder for continuing his/her dispute with the bank against disputed transaction evidences
116 Purchase Order Order issued by the bank to the dealer for confirmation of purchasing the vehicle.
117 Rate revision letter Letter for customer when the applicable rate is revised annually
118 Ready Delivery Vehicle available at the dealer for delivery after payment.
119 Ready Delivery used Used vehicle available at dealer's end for delivery after payment.
120 Registration charges Amount required for registering the vehicle with Excise and Taxation Office.
121 Repayment The process of returning of the borrowed loan amount. The repayment has to be made for the entire tenure of the loan amount. Based on fixed or floating interest rates on the loan amount, the banks or financial institution decides on an EMI which has to be paid on or before a date mentioned in the loan agreement every month.
122 Repayment period Tenure of the facility.
123 Repossession "Duplication of term" It is suggested to retain any one of the definition.
124 Revolving Loan This is a type of loan which is "evergreen" in nature such that there is no specified facility maturity date (it may, however, include facility renewals at a pre-determined frequency). The borrower is typically assigned a credit limit and he / she can withdraw any amount he / she requires up to this credit limit.
125 Reward Points Points earned by the customer upon conducting any transaction from his/her credit card. This facility vary banks to bank.
126 Right of Set Off In an event of default or otherwise, bank has the right of set off i.e. bank at its discretion or otherwise and without giving notice to the customer, reserves the right to recover outstanding amount(s) from any of Customer's Account(s) maintained with the bank.
127 Rupee/PKR Pakistani Rupee Currency.
S. No Term Glossary
128 Salaried individual Person employed on a salaried basis.
129 Sale Order Confirmation document sent to the customers before delivering Vehicle.
130 Schedule of Charges The  document prescribing Service Fee(s), charges and other fee(s) applicable to  the Card/ BTF, Card Transactions and / or Card Account, issued by the Bank bi-annually to the Card members.
131 Secured Limit Credit Limit which has been granted by bank and is secured against collateral/liquid/non-liquid securities. In an event of default, or otherwise, bank has the right to recover the amount(s) outstanding against the said security.
132 Security Bank's security against the loan
133 Self employed professional Individual having his own professional business.
134 Semi commercial Vehicles that can be used for individual consumption and for commercial purpose as well.
135 Service Establishment Merchant acquiring bank who authorize it's merchant to accept card transaction as per agreement and able to respond disputes queries.
136 Service Fee/ Annualized  Percentage Rate (APR) Fee as determined by the Bank and prescribed in the Schedule of Charges and payable by the customer on the outstanding Liabilities and other amounts.
137 SMS Fee SMS - Short Message Service Charges
138 Standing Instructions/ Auto Debit Specific written (and signed) instructions provided by a customer to debit his / her account by a specified amount on a pre-determined frequency. In the context of consumer financing, standing instructions are often requested from borrowers which have another Non checking account which can be used to service their repayments
139 Statement of Account The Bank's monthly or other periodic statement of account send to it's customers showing particulars of the transactions carried out.
140 Suit Legal case filing.
141 Supplementary Card Supplementary card member means the person who is issued a supplementary card with the authorization and consent of the original / basic card member.
142 Supplementary Card member The person who is issued a Supplementary Card.
143 T PIN The Personal Identification Number issued to the Card member to enable the Card member a Supplementary Card member or selected by a Card member or the Supplementary Card member  and generated through IVR to use the telephone banking facilities made available by the Bank.
144 TAT - Turn Around Time Time required for application processing.
145 Temporary credit A limited period of credit posted by bank into cardholder's card account for disputed transaction.
146 Tenure The length of time for which a term loan has been approved and is typically structured in 12-month multiples.
147 Term Loan This is a type of loan which is disbursed for a specified time duration after which the loan matures. This type of loan involve reduction of the principal outstanding as and when the customer pay his / her installments.
148 Time barred Transactions A posted transaction  which is disputed after 120 days time-limit or MasterCard/Visa allowable time-limits by cardholder.
149 Title of the property Documents identifying the owner of the property.
150 Title of vehicle Documents identifying the owner of vehicle such as excise file and registration book in Autos.
151 Top - Up Top Up means line replenishment/enhancement
152 Total Cash Outlay (TCO) An amount including down payment, insurance, processing fee etc. which is paid after Auto loan approval.
153 Total Monthly Payment (TMP) Equal monthly amount payable including loan installment (Principal + Markup) and insurance premium amount
154 Trenches Loan disbursed in parts are called trenches.
155 Undertaking Indemnity provided by the customer.
156 Unsatisfactory Credit History Customer is not making payments against availed cross sell  facility/product  resulting bank has right to close either temporary or permanently said product/facility.
157 US Dollar Currency of the United States of America.
158 Validity Date The validity date specified by the Bank on the Card.
159 Withdrawal Facility To withdraw cash  either through the Automated Teller Machines (“ATMs”) or through use of a Debit Card held by the Customer (“Debit Card”).

Certificate Of Investment (COI) Rates

Certificate Of Investment (COI) Rates

Following are the rates for certificate of investment (COI) for corporates and individuals only


















Note: The above rates are subject to change at the discretion of PAIR. 

Grievance Commissioner Cell for Overseas Pakistanis

Grievance Commissioner Cell for Overseas Pakistanis

The Honorable Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, Mr. M, Salman Faruqui NI, has established the Grievance Commissioner Cell for Overseas Pakistanis in Federal Ombudsman Secretariat by appointing Hafiz Ahsaan Ahmad Khokhar Advocate Supreme court of Pakistan, Senior Advisor Law/Registrar as Grievance Commissioner for Overseas Pakistanis under Section (7) of the Federal Ombudsman Institutional Reforms Act, 2013, to address the individual and systematic issues of the Overseas Pakistanis related to the Federal Government Ministries , Departments, Organizations and Agencies.

The Detail information for connecting the Secretariat of Federal Ombudsman and Grievance Commissioner Cell is as follows;

PAIR Complaint Resolution Department

PAIR Complaint Resolution Department

How a complaint may be made

Where a complaint is about a particular service, product or employee and you are familiar with the team working on your matter, you may wish to address your complaint to an appropriate member of that team, orally, by letter, email or fax.
Where possible, complaints should be made in writing so that the details of the complaint are clear and complete.
If you are not sure to whom to refer your complaint, or feel it is inappropriate to address your complaint to a member of the team, please write to:

Head Of Compliance
PAΪR Investment Company limited
Telephone Number : 021-35829647 : PABX: Tel: 021- 3582 9621 ( 4 Lines ) Ext. 647 Fax: 021 - 3530 3526
17th Floor  Ocean Tower G3,  Block-09 Main Clifton Road Karachi Pakistan. Karachi (75600) – Pakistan
Email Address :  

DISCLAIMER: “In case your complaint has not been properly redressed by us, you may lodge your complaint with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “SECP”). However, please note that SECP will entertain only those complaints which were at first directly requested to be redressed by the Company and the company has failed to redress the same. Further, the complaints that are not relevant to SECP’s regulatory domain/competence shall not be entertained.”

Click on the Below SECP Logo For Complaint Resolution Through SECP 
